Today I am 8 months =) My day has been very relaxing because yesterday I was on my feet ALL day,cleaning,putting Zoe's crib together,washing and vacuuming. I woke up pretty early but fell back to sleep and woke up at 4:30 pm! I don't plan on doing much besides watching The Real Housewives of NJ and snacking on whatever Me and Zoe feel like eating .
p.s Today is my niece Bella's 6th Birthday. Here's a pic of the little rascal.
Have some good rest, Jenny!:D
Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
& Life According to Marie.
aww jenny 8 months! one more month
and little zoe is here :D
so excited for the pics of the
little one.are you feeling stressed
at all, what else is there left to
do and are you sure little zoe will
wait for after the baby shower to
come out, lol.
I'm not stressed at all Liz,I'm waiting patiently for Zoe. Damian( my bf) doesn't like it when I stress so he does a good job of keeping me stress-free. =) Everyone is betting that she'll be here early..which I don't want for two reasons:one,I want her healthy enough to breath on her own and two,there are like 6 of my nieces and nephews birthdays coming up. I really don't want her sharing a birthday with anyone. Greedy,I know! But it's hard enough getting family together and with Zoe's bday,we gotta add Damian's to it. ay!
Its going to be such a wonderful time for you once Zoe is here. It is the best feeling in the world! Thank you for the bday wishes! glad your doing this challenge ;-D
Prepping for a new baby can be really fun, but it gets even better when they arrive! I have tons of fun with my baby.
Hope your feet aren't getting too swollen :-)
Have a great week!
one month to go =D
good luck sweetie ,, and dont work much ,,
let the maid or the hubby do the work =D haha
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