Monday, January 17, 2011

Chop chop

I cut my hair. I grew tired of brushing all them damn tangles,using all that conditioner and I hated the fact that my layers were no longer there. I thought of getting a bob but since my baby fat is still present in my face,I didn't want to end up looking like a cabbage patch doll. The only down side to my hair cut (which I love) is the girl cut it 2 inches shorter than I asked for. I didn't get mad because well,hair is hair. And my hair seems to grow pretty fast. I also dyed it but I haven't took any pictures to show you. Let me know what you think...even if you agree with me looking like a cabbage patch doll.

                                                           Naturally Wavy



Anonymous said...

It looks great! I love the wavy look!

xoxo Mimi said...

I love the wavy look:) You look so pretty.

AnieLii said...

I love it :) You look pretty.
I think the bob would look good on you.
I have my hair like that but you can't tell anymore because it grew way to fast.

Anonymous said...

I love your hair in the first photo! you look so pretty, and like a mommy :)

and to answer your question, i use a Nikon D3000.

love, keys said...

you are SOOO gorgeous! and i love your hair wavy! i hope you wear it like that often!

Miss Tapia said...

Thank you Ladies,you've all made my day!

Marie said...

Looking great, lovely haircut.:D

I like it naturally wavy, so effortlessly sexy!;D

***** Marie *****

Keirasluckycharm said...

Oh i love it! i am glad you did it! this cut looks great. Now show us the new color. I love the waves *jealous* :-)

Lais said...

Beautiful! :)

LipGlossGossip said...

Love the haircut! So cute! :)

Eryn said...

Your hair is gorgeous just natural (I'm super jealous!!) and your baby girl is so cute. :)

Sourav's BLOG said...

She is so pretty and so cute...
